Thursday, January 1, 2015

Fasten your seat belt! it's 2015!

2014- Done. 2015- Day one...So here I am back at my blog. My last post was December 31, 2011...!!?? It doesn't seem that long ago... but time has that weird warping thing it does, especially the older you get. (Time flies when you're getting old!) But when I think about it that was my last entry for the Bluebird of Hope Project and that does feel like awhile ago.

Now, what do I have to say on Day One 2015... 
So far so good!?

No really, what else can I say about 2015?

I hope that our landscape nationally & internationally improves...?

I wish & pray & visualize it so...but my cynical self throws up her hands, rolls her eyes and says "Get real!! It's all so big! And so overwhelmingly out of control! Plah!" In order to cope with the many injustices I read & hear about, I have to get into solution. That brings it back home to my little universe and do what I can here & now. Because when we boil it down, it is about each one of us separately that adds up collectively.

So my plan for 2015 is...
listen to more music... and less news radio
be open to possibilities
share more
read at least one book a month
journal & write more
create and express myself in whatever medium moves me
remember to lead by example through respect, understanding and compassion
contribute positively to the world around me in creative ways

I'm going to give it my best shot. So fasten your seat belts! 2015 here I come!!!!!!!!!

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