Saturday, December 10, 2011

Bluebird #10

In August I joined a knitting group on . I had taught myself to knit from a book earlier this year and joined the group so I could learn more in a social setting. It has been a lot of fun. One week I noticed on the group’s website that there had been a field trip to an alpaca ranch in Somis. So I mentioned it at the next meeting. Not everyone went but I was told that the ranch had open house every month. So the research started.

I found the website for the ranch . Initially my interest was in just the fleece and learning to spin. Then I noticed that there was a page about investing in alpacas… what? So then I started researching further. My curiosity was peaked and now I really had to go see the alpacas.

This morning I woke up with a smile on my face because I was going to Windy Hill Ranch to see the alpacas!!! Paca-paca-paca!!! Every second Saturday Windy Hill Ranch has an open house… eeerr… open ranch from 10am – 3pm. It is located out in Somis – about 35 minutes from Ventura.

It was a treat to get off of the beaten path to find this peaceful little ranch. They have about 300 alpacas living there. They own some but also board many of the animals. There is also a classroom there where all sorts of classes are held. Today there was a knitting group that meets monthly.

The little critters were so cute. Alpacas are shy but curious and approach with caution. They do let you pet them and if you are quick you can grab one to hold (with the help of the owner). It was fun. Alpacas make a cute little humming sound and are pretty mellow. They are low impact on the environment; relatively inexpensive to board; their fleece is warmer & softer than sheep’s fleece. I still have information to gather about investment and I am still looking for spinning classes but I think I’m going back in January to see the alpacas again!

Bluebird #10 has landed next to the alpaca statue at the Windy Hill Ranch of Somis where hope & happiness abound. (it's outside of Ventura but in the county!)

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